
墨西哥主要制造业包括(汽车航空航天电子产品信息技术,以及 医疗器械)以外,还有许多其他公司,要么是这些行业的供应链,要么是其他制造业集群的一部分,包括暖通空调、体育用品、休闲产品、服装、家具、家居用品、运输设备和其他产品。

Mexico's Manufacturing Industry by the Numbers

0+foreign manufacturing
0manufacturing jobs generated by foreign companies
0+USD per hour, entry-level manufacturing
position salary, fully burdened



  • 打模,包括吹塑、压缩成型、发泡成型和注塑成型。
  • 金属制品和表面处理,包括铝合金铸造、压铸、砂型铸造、钣金加工、数控及车床加工等。
  • 粉末冶金,包括热处理、阳极氧化、粉末涂层、铝表面处理和电镀。


Mexico Manufacturing Advantages

Large, Educated Labor Pool

Mexico has a large talent pool of entry-level, semi-skilled, and advanced skilled workers, so you can easily fill every position along your assembly line. IVEMSA has extensive networks to grant you access to these labor pools in the region you need. Plus, our shelter services include recruiting and retention to maintain the necessary talent for your production. Additionally, we help you navigate Mexico's labor laws. Mexico recognizes a 48-hour work week and has specific legal and financial requirements in place when it comes to severance pay. Our expertise will ensure you stay both competitive and compliant when recruiting talent.

Lower Costs

Personnel and overhead costs are typically lower in Mexico than the United States. On average, labor costs in Mexico decrease personnel costs by 40-50%. Additionally, with the close proximity between the U.S. and Mexico, logistics for travel and transportation are more cost-effective, especially when compared with manufacturing in China. Cost savings through the IMMEX program are another unique advantage of manufacturing in Mexico. The IMMEX program exempts operators from the 16% VAT for all temporarily imported goods, equipment, and materials. This tax savings is effective from the first day when working with a shelter company, as certification is already established.

Efficient Transportation Options

Mexico’s border crossings and transportation options are among the most active in the world. Plus, it’s easy for your employees in the U.S. to visit your plants in Mexico—and IVEMSA is happy to assist with travel plans. With a solid infrastructure and supplier network in place, general manufacturing in Mexico can support growth strategies for today’s world’s leading operators. Furthermore, the close proximity also allows manufacturers to get products to market faster without compromising quality.

Tailored Shelter Solutions

We’ll help you set up a shelter, find a site, recruit employees, and contract vendors for build-out. Shelter services can be tailored to meet your specific project needs. And setup time takes between three to four months, compared to the six or seven months it takes when operating as a standalone entity. Our experience, expertise, and knowledge help you launch production and keep things running for continual success.