
在过去的35年中,IVEMSA通过提供卓越的服务和灵活的解决方案帮助了100多个客户,赢得了卓越的声誉。我们认为,我们15年的平均客户保持率可以证明这一点。 无论您是想要提供全套庇护服务, 还是想为您在墨西哥的独立实体外包行政服务,我们都能在长期、经济有效的解决方案中提供最佳价值。


The IVEMSA Difference

Flexible Solutions

Whether you need five employees in Mexico or 2,000, we’ll work with you achieve your goals. Our administrative services can help if you need to scale your workforce up or down quickly.

No Surprise Fees

Many companies charge extra for services like Environmental Health & Safety permitting or site studies. IVEMSA includes those in our consulting services. And there are no fees if you wish to transition from our shelter program to a standalone entity.

Established Networks

Our president, Sergio Tagliapietra, is a former Secretary of Economic Development and serves on the boards of the National Maquiladora Association and the Economic Development Council of Mexicali. IVEMSA has excellent connections with federal, state and local governments, plus wide networks that we use to recruit employees, identify sites for plants, source suppliers and vendors, and more.

Trust & Transparency

Many of our clients are new to Mexican manufacturing, so we act as a trusted guide to walk you through every part of the process and provide you with all the information you need—reports, invoices, permits, and more.




  • 墨西哥的劳动力成本比美国低10-30%
  • 墨西哥的大学和职业学校每年新增11万多名工程学毕业生。
  • 墨西哥有5,000多家外国制造公司和基础设施来满足他们的需求。