HTS Tariff Classification

HTS tariff classification of the final product produced in Mexico. Do you have the HTS?

If not, IVEMSA will assist you in determining the HTS of the final product. Please describe the final product in detail so we can determine the HTS of the final product to be imported from Mexico. Description should include:

  • Name of product. Commercial name of product.
  • Function of product. How does it work? What does it do?
  • End use of product. Where and how will the product be used.

Bill of Materials (BOM)

In order to determine origin, we also need a Bill of Materials (BOM) that constitutes the final product. The BOM should list the materials and components that will be shipped to Mexico for production. The BOM should include the following:

  • Part number
  • Description
  • Unit cost
  • Total cost
  • Country of origin
  • HTS tariff classification

If you do not have the HTS tariff classification of the components in the BOM, we can assist you in determining the HTS classification of the components. Please provide us with the following:

  • Commercial name of component/raw material.
  • Technical function of the component. What does it do?
  • Technical specifications of the component.

Description of Production Process

In order to determine origin, we will need a description of the production process in Mexico. Please describe in detail.

With this information IVEMSA can assist you in determining the final country of origin of the product to be produced in Mexico, which will assist you in making a determination of whether to relocate a production process to Mexico.

Email us today to find out if moving production from China to Mexico is right for your business.

Reduce costs.
Retain quality.
Gain peace of mind.

Contact us today and see how we can help you take advantage of all the benefits of manufacturing in Mexico - without the hassle.